D-dimer tests show at least 62 percent of mRNA “vaccinated” patients have microscopic blood clots, reports Dr. Charles Hoffe M.D.

12 July 2021 – Dr Charles Hoffe, a rural Canadian family doctor that has stepped forward to blow the whistle on serious neurological adverse effects from the Moderna Messenger RNA COVID-19 vaccine he has witnessed in his First Nations indigenous patients. Dr Hoff wrote an open letter to BC Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry voicing his concerns generated from his experiences treating patients suffering adverse reactions to the vaccine. Read the letter here: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/in-the-news/open-letter-to-dr-bonnie-henry-from-bc-physician-re-moderna-vaccine-reactions/

Dr. Charles Hoffe believes that the mRNA vaccines create microscopic blood clots in the capillaries of the vaccinated and at least 60 percent of mRNA based vaccine recipients could eventually succumb to heart failure. Dr. Hoffe believes that the blood clots which have made it to frontline news by inducing heart attacks and hospitalization are actually the minority. The majority of the blood clots are microscopic and remain undetected, unless D-Dimer tests are performed within a specific timeframe.

In May Dr Hoffe was removed from hospital duty for promoting vaccine hesitancy. Unfortunately, Dr. Hoffe’s quest to gather patient data on this phenomenon has been disrupted because wildfires destroyed his practice, and 90% of the town of Lytton.

According to Dr Charles Hoffe:

When Covid vaccine is injected into your arm muscle the original design intended that 100% of its contents remain there. However it now appears that only 25% of it stays in the arm muscle with the remaining 75% collected by your lymphatic system which is then fed into your circulation. A single dose of Moderna vaccine delivers 40 trillion tiny packages of these RNA molecules with 22.5 trillion of these collected by the lymphatic system. From there these packages enter the bloodstream to be absorbed by the cells that line the inside of your blood vessels and capillary networks.( the vascular endothelium). Once in circulation, little packages of genes are absorbed into the cells lining the inside of blood vessels. The RNA package is opened and the genes are released. The body then gets to work reading these 40 trillion genes further manufacturing trillions and trillions of Covid spike proteins. The purpose of the spike protein is to activating the body’s natural immune system to recognize it as a foreign protein which will make antibodies against in order to protect you from Covid 19.

Once the spike protein is made inside your cell it is pushed out through the cell wall where it sticks to the outside of the cell. This means that the smooth endothelial cells lining the piping system ( your blood vessels ) are no longer smooth. Instead they have lots of spikes protruding into the blood flow. The inside of the ‘pipe’ (blood vessel) where your blood flows must be smooth to be able to deliver oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. This wall also has little ‘signals’ that speak to platelets flowing in the blood to clump were there appears to be a ‘hole or injury (spike) so the leak can be stopped. The endothelium now has all these little spiky bits sticking out because the body is now producing its own spike proteins as well. Blood clots will form because your blood platelets circulating through out your vessels will be activated by hitting these spikes. This becomes worse in tiny capillaries because blood flow slows right down thereby enhancing the production of tiny clots. Note: Purpose of blood platelets is to detect damage vessel and by clumping together will block that vessel to stop bleeding.

Dr Bhakti stated the way to prove this and identify what is happening is to do a blood test called a D Dimer test. When the media claims that blood clots causing strokes and heart damage are very rare they refer to those (large ones) seen only CT scans, angiograms and MRIs. The clots Hoffe is talking about are microscropic and scattered throughout the body within the capillary network so they are not going to show up on any CT scan. So the only way to show that this clotting was occuring was to do a D Dimer test which will only show the presence of a recent blood clot. Dr Hoffe has been conducting the D Dimer tests on patients who have had their covid shot within the last 4- 7 days and is accumulating more information. On the ones tested so far 62 % of them have evidence of clotting and that the majority of people getting blood clots are unaware of it. It must be noted that here are parts of your body like your heart, brain, spinal cord and lungs that cannot regenerate damaged tissue. When those tissues are damaged by blocked vessels the damage is permanent. Hoffe states that he now has 6 people in his medical practice with what is called reduced effort tolerance which means they just get out of breath more easily than they used to. These 6 people who now have reduced effort tolerance do so because they have plugged up thousands of tiny capillaries in their lungs and cannot od what they used to. Anecdotally one patient who used to walk 2 miles to his surgery weekly without any problem to have his arthritis injection, now after receiving his vaccine 5 months ago after a ¼ of a mile is now out of breath. Once you block off a significant number of blood vessels through your lungs your heart is pumping against a greater resistance to try and get your blood through your lungs. This leads to a condition called pulmonary hypertension rather like high blood pressure in your lungs. People with pulmonary artery hypertension usually die of right sided heart failure within 3 years.

Watch Dr Hoffe explain here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sIWb9GTbbE